Government funding will be used to create new habitats around the Solent.
Proposals have now been signed off by the Partnership for South Hampshire [PfSH], an organisation representing 12 of the region’s local authorities in environmental, cultural and economic matters.
The Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government’s Local Nutrient Mitigation Fund, established to support environment projects across the country. According to the plans, the aim of the Solent wetlands is to ‘reduce harmful farming practices and protect natural habitats across south Hampshire’.
Eastleigh Borough Council, Gosport Borough Council, Hampshire County Council, Fareham Borough Council, Havant Borough Council, New Forest District Council, New Forest National Park, Portsmouth City Council, Southampton City Council, Test Valley Borough Council, Winchester City Council are all involved. The Solent Local Enterprise Partnership is also partnering on the project.
‘The plans build on our previous work to address serious environmental issues without preventing opportunities for sustainable development,’ said Keith House Chair of PfSH. ‘I’m delighted we’re moving forward. There is a clear focus on projects that will give a real benefit to our local environment, create wonderful natural spaces and enable the growth our area needs.’